Popup for new projects "Bind this project to SonarCloud or SonarQube?" ignores "Don't ask again"

  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • IntelliJ version: IC-242.20224.419
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Java
  • Is connected mode used: No

Each time I create a new Project in IntelliJ IDEA, I get a popup:
Sonarlint suggestions
Bind this project to SonarCloud or SonarQube?

Obviously, I click “Don’t ask again”, but it only remembers for that specific project.

I only want to use the local IDE functionality without external tools, and I’m sure many developers do the same. (If anything, there should be a project-level configuration where we can set the defaults for new developers, especially if we suggest plugin installation via .idea/externalDependencies.xml.)


It brings back old memories where I remember similar annoyances and had to turn the plugin off…

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Oh, and I also realized that when we use .ipr project file, this forces itself there, as a change that we mustn’t commit to version control if our team guidelines say so. So if I constantly reset the .ipr, I am not allowed to use the “Don’t ask again” option at all!

+  <component name="SonarLintProjectSettings">
+    <option name="bindingSuggestionsEnabled" value="false" />
+  </component>

When creating a new project, even any hello world, is it really everyone’s first thought that they want to set up SonarQube with a new binding before they do anything else? Like, is that the top priority, a first thing you do?

There should really be a global configuration “Don’t suggest SonarQube binding for new projects”.

(And it’s unlucky to have to troubleshoot migration from .ipr to .idea, because if you frequently reset these settings, you get to see the pop up each time.)