Permissions required in Azure DevOps

When authenticating through Azure DevOps, can you please advise which permissions are required to be set?
Additionally, please inform us whether the SonarCloud application is a multi-tenant application?

These are answers required by our IT department in order to allow access through Azure DevOps.

Hi @Ryan_Adler

Here are the 2 permissions we need :

  1. Maintain access to data you have given it access to

Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when users are not currently using the app. This does not give the app any additional permissions.

  1. Sign in and read user profile

Allows users to sign-in to the app, and allows the app to read the profile of signed-in users. It also allows the app to read basic company information of signed-in users.

And yes, SonarCloud app is multi-tenant.


Hi Mickael,
My IT is also asking for this information, is it up to date ?
thanks for you reply

Hi @fredolaredo

Yes it is.


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Hi Mickael,

My IT is know asking for a lot of specific technical details, could someone help with these ? I guess all sections are not relevant for you, sorry about that. If there’s an URL describing all of this, I didn’t find it.

thanks for your help.

Application is available in Azure gallery ?
Application name from Azure Gallery
App Registration type if not in Azure Gallery
TLS version
Domains to allow into application
Application domain owner verification type ?
BNP Paribas application dedicated url
Installation document
Firewall flow matrix
Proxy flow matrix
Application tenant verification method ?
Application SAMLv2 protocol settings (application already published into Azure Gallery) Claims with SAMLv2 protocol
Application metadata XML file available ? Source AD Attribute Application claim Claim Format/Transformation
Application metadata URL (if any)
Identifier (Entity ID)
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)
Reply URL redirect method
Sign on URL
Relay State URL (if any)
Logout URL (if any)
Response signing certificate issued by Azure ?
Certificate alert recipients (email addresses)
Application OpenID Connect protocol settings Additional claims with OpenID Connect (only if not included into Scopes)
Identifier Source AD Attribute Application claim Claim Format/Transformation
Reply URL (if any)
Client Secret ?
Use a certificate as Secret ?
Certificate alert recipients (email addresses)
Graph API permissions ?
Graph API url
Send scope openid
Send scope profile
Send scope email
Other scope names to send
Provisioning settings SCIM provisioning attributes
Provisioning method Azure AD Attribute Application attribute
SCIM alert recipients (email addresses)
SCIM Secret Token ?

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Hi @fredolaredo,

And sorry for the very late reply.

Are you actually facing an issue with logging in via Azure DevOps? There should be no configuration required on your side.

Or are you trying to fill out a form for new vendors? If that’s the case then the community forum isn’t the right place, you should go through our contact form which will allow you to discuss it with one of our salespeople.

Hi Grégoire

Actually we are getting the Azure admins to implement the Sonarcloud policy tomorrrow, we’ll see.
