Performance - Use LoadingCache.loadAll() instead of calling .load() in a loop


I use the Guava/Caffeine CacheLoader class, and have seen massive speed improvements by calling the loadAll() method instead of calling load() in a loop. Is there any interest in implementing a Sonar rule that checks to see if load() is called in a loop? Should there also be a rule to check that every LoadingCache implements loadAll()?

Why is there an issue?
Massive performance improvement.

Snippet of Noncompliant Code

List<Integer> allIDs = {{ some large list of IDs }};
CacheLoader<Integer, String> cache = new DatabaseOrRESTCache();
String names =
    .map(id -> cache.load(id))

Snippet of Compliant Code

List<Integer> allIDs = {{ some large list of IDs }};
CacheLoader<Integer, String> cache = new DatabaseOrRESTCache();
Map<Integer, String> idToNameMap = cache.loadAll(allIDs);
String names =
    .map(id -> idToNameMap.get(id))

External References

Type: performance
