Parse error during analysis of compilation unit breaks in standard Apple UIKit header

I am evaluating SonarQube for our iOS project, but getting many errors from parsing our header files, and the it stumbles on default UIKit and other headers. Should I ignore this as well? I googled but did not find anything that would reference this issue.

WARN: Parse error
  during analysis of compilation unit: /PSPDFKit/iOS/PSPDFKit/Renderer/PSPDFRenderQueue.m
  in file: /Applications/
  at line: 28

   23:  __attribute ( ( visibility ( "default" ) ) )
   24:  @ interface AVTextStyleRule : NSObject < NSCopying > {
   25:  @ private
   26:  AVTextStyleRuleInternal * _textStyleRule ;
   27:  }
   28:  - ( instancetype ) init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE ; + ( instancetype ) new UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE ;
   38:  + ( id ) propertyListForTextStyleRules : ( NSArray < AVTextStyleRule * > * ) textStyleRules ;
   47:  + ( nullable NSArray <

WARN: Parse error
  during analysis of compilation unit: /PSPDFKit/iOS/PSPDFFoundation/PSPDFNamespaceHelper.m
  in file: /Applications/
  at line: 110

  105:  @ class INIntentResponse ;
  107:  __attribute ( ( visibility ( "default" ) ) ) @ interface UIApplication : UIResponder
  110:  @ property ( class , nonatomic , readonly ) UIApplication * sharedApplication __IOS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE ( "Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead." ) ;
  115:  @ property ( nullable , nonatomic , assign ) id < UIApplicationDelegate > delegate ;
  117:  - ( void ) beginIgnoringInteractionEvents __IOS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE ( "" ) ;

WARN: Parse error
  during analysis of compilation unit: /PSPDFKit/iOS/PSPDFFoundation/PSPDFNamespaceHelper.m
  in file: /Applications/
  at line: 51

   42:  UIModalPresentationStyle : NSInteger UIModalPresentationStyle ; enum UIModalPresentationStyle : NSInteger {
   43:  UIModalPresentationFullScreen = 0 ,
   44:  UIModalPresentationPageSheet ,
   45:  UIModalPresentationFormSheet ,
   46:  UIModalPresentationCurrentContext ,
   47:  UIModalPresentationCustom ,
   48:  UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen ,
   49:  UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext ,
   50:  UIModalPresentationPopover ,
   51:  UIModalPresentationBlurOverFullScreen __TVOS_AVAILABLE ( 11_0 ) ,
   52:  UIModalPresentationNone = - 1 ,
   53:  } ;
   55:  @ protocol UIContentContainer < NSObject >
   57:  @ property ( nonatomic , readonly ) CGSize preferredContentSize ;
   58:  - ( void

WARN: Parse error
  during analysis of compilation unit: /PSPDFKit/iOS/PSPDFFoundation/PSPDFNamespaceHelper.m
  in file: /Applications/
  at line: 20

   16:  * _Nullable returnedItems , NSError * _Nullable activityError ) ;
   18:  __attribute ( ( visibility ( "default" ) ) ) @ interface UIActivityViewController : UIViewController
   20:  - ( instancetype ) init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE ;
   21:  - ( instancetype ) initWithNibName : ( nullable NSString * ) nibNameOrNil bundle : ( nullable NSBundle * ) nibBundleOrNil UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE ;
   22:  - ( nullable instancetype ) initWithCoder :

WARN: Parse error
  during analysis of compilation unit: /PSPDFKit/iOS/PSPDFFoundation/PSPDFNamespaceHelper.m
  in file: /Applications/
  at line: 481

  477:  )
  478:  @ interface UICollectionViewPlaceholder : NSObject
  480:  - ( instancetype ) initWithInsertionIndexPath : ( NSIndexPath * ) insertionIndexPath reuseIdentifier : ( NSString * ) reuseIdentifier ;
  481:  - ( instancetype ) init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE ;
  482:  + ( instancetype ) new UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE ;
  486:  @ property ( nonatomic , nullable , copy ) void ( ^ cellUpdateHandler ) ( __kindof UICollectionViewCell * ) ;
  488:  @

I am also getting a lot of these:

WARN: Unknown language standard "gnu11", will use "Objective-C" from "null" for file /PSPDFKit/iOS/PSPDFKit/Encryption/PSPDFCryptoInputStream.m

Is gnu11 not a supported compile style?

Using latest available stable download (as of August 15, 2018)

sonar-scanner --version
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /Applications/sonar-scanner/conf/
INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
INFO: SonarQube Scanner
INFO: Java 1.8.0_121 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
INFO: Mac OS X 10.14 x86_64


To be clear, are you using the build wrapper?
