On my Eclipse 4.33 or older version, I have this error only on one project :
org.sonarsource.sonarlint.shaded.org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.ResponseErrorException: Internal error
Operating system: windows 11 (or 10)
SonarLint plugin version:
Programming language you’re coding in: java
Is connected mode used: yes, connected on Sonarqube Entreprise Edition 10.7
Since version 10.x of sonarlint, I systematically get the error when opening a java or jsp file of a particular project.
I am in connected mode to a SONARQUBE in version I also tried by connecting to our sonarqube test environment which is in version , and I have the same problem.
I have to disable the link with sonarqube to no longer have the error.
I do not know how to get more log, but I only have that in the eclipse .log file.
The problem does not occur on my other java projects.
please provide me with the logs as stated in our documentation
First, without the IDE-specific traces enabled, and afterward, please try to recreate the error with it created.
What build system are you using for the Java project the issue is coming from? Is it Maven, Gradle, or none at all?
Another question would be how big the project is and from what time (roughly) after the workspace is started or the project is imported, the issue arises.
On the other hand, if you have a reproducer, this would be even better, but it is no strong must-have.
Attached are the logs with the options enabled, without and with “IDE-specific traces”.
The project is neither under maven, nor gradle, it is built with ivy, in java 8.
The problem occurs as soon as a file is opened, without delay.
I’ve reached out to my colleagues on that matter. The issue there could be coming from either the project binding not correctly being found or the Taint Vulnerability synchronization from the SonarQube instance - sadly, for both, we don’t have enough logging, or the errors we catch and log are not triggered here.
For that I would ask you if you could create a mini reproducer project for us. So basically from what you provided on information regarding the project:
build with Ivy and Java 8
try to provide the same layout with both Java and JSP
hopefully, reproduce the exceptions already on this reproducer project
Could you also provide me with some information on how you scan the project? As it is not using a build system I guess you just use the Sonar Scanner CLI?
This will be necessary for me once I have the reproducer to set it up locally in SQ for Connected Mode.