Old Issues Raised as New Issues

Hi Will,

You’re not using the embedded H2 DB, are you? Also, what’s your SQ version?


Hi Ann,

It is 8.2 using SQL Server (v12) with collation Latin1_General_CS_AS.

Users were complaining of this behaviour for some time. At least since 7.0, including 7.9.1 LTS.


Hi Will,

Believe it or not, I’m not ignoring you.

I’m out of my depth and trying to call in reinforcements, but not having luck so far.


Hi Ann,

We do appreciate this. Thank-you.


Hi Ann,

Have you any update or can refer us to anyone to discuss this, provide additional information.

I do notice others on this site that seem to be finding similar java / 8.2 behaviour, such as this one.



Hi Will,

Sorry, but I got nothin’.


Hi Ann,

Where do you suggest I turn to have this looked in to further?



Hi Ann,

Just to follow up with some more info on this.

It is clear now that the problem we are seeing of Old Issues being Raised as New Issues happens only on the second analysis (the one after the baseline) of a new branch codebase i.e. subsequent analyses do not show further issues.

There were two rules in the CheckStyle plugin that when disabled cure the problem for this codebase.
The two rules are:

  1. Custom Import Order (checkstyle:com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.imports.CustomImportOrderCheck)
  2. Import Order (checkstyle:com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.imports.ImportOrderCheck)

Both raise old issues as new issues after the first run following the baseline analysis.

An Issue has been raised on the CheckStyle Sonar Plugin page.

Many thanks for all your responses on this - they were appreciated. :slight_smile:
