Migrating between Bitbuckets accounts

Hi there!

We’re migrating our code repository from Bitbucket account A to Bitbucket account B. As you should know, you can’t change the associated Bitbucket account to the new account. You have to create another workspace.
Something to have in account is we pay 1M Locs for one year in advance, so we want to move this coupon to the new account.

We need a temporal coupon to have a window of time to move to the new workspace without impacting our processes. This temporal coupon can discount days and LOCs of the actual coupon.

How could we do this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Alexis,

Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the Community Forum.

I believe your colleague Andrés already got in touch about this and I just replied to him.

If it’s not the case, please reach out to contact@sonarcloud.io and indicate the coupon you received so we can look into this.

Best regards,


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