Last analysis failed because server-wide lines exceed 1000000 limit

I am running SonarQube as a part of github actions to analyse test results, coverage and upload report to SonarQube. For some repositories I am getting the following error for the main branch-

The last analysis failed because it would have caused your server-wide lines of code total to exceed your 1000000 limit.Please contact the instance administrator.

I am using sonarqube version I tried to delete and recreate the whole repository but still the issue persist. The pull request is done successfully but when I merge into main, the above mentioned error is thrown by sonarqube.

Hey there.

SonarQube is licensed by Lines of Code (of the largest branch of each project) across your project. It looks like you have run out once you merge your pull request.

This isn’t a SonarQube version – you should be able to find the version of SonarQube you’re using in the footer of your instance.

Hi Colin, my bad i posted something else, we are currently using Version 9.9 (build 65466).