Install modules wich are not available in the marketplace

I am using SonarQube(8.2) within my build pipeline. There is a findbugs-plugin installed which is not java 13 compatible. But there is a newer version available by the developer team ( which is not available in the Marketplace.

I get no answer why it is not available there. So my question is: Is there a way to install this plugin without using the Marketplace?

The documentation on Installing a Plugin sounds like a good place to start!

Hi Colin, thanks for the information, but where is Download link for findbugs-plugin 4.0.0

On the page dedicated to the plugin you want to install (ex: for Python: SonarPython), click on the “Download” link of the version compatible with your SonarQube version.

I imagine here!

Looks like those docs could use some tidying up as well, I’ve made a note!

OK thanks. BTW: Is there a reason why it is not available in your Markteplace?
Best regards Jens

Plugin maintainers are responsible for announcing a release here and updating the Marketplace.

Looks like the PR was made for the Marketplace info, but no release was announced here.