Implementing Machine Learning in SonarQube


I want to know about the possibility of using **Machine Learning** in sonarqube like getting the prediction regarding false positive based on previous instances and finding the correlation between set of data which can help to predict in near future. I was exploring and i got this link: Is this related to sonarqube?

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Hello Vicky,

We at SonarSource are currently actively looking at levering machine learning techniques to enhance our products. Automatic classification of issues as false positives is indeed one application, but there also are others such as automatically inferring what the best practices are in general (from a lot of projects) or within a particular project. This exploration is still in its early stage, so we are not yet able to communicate about specific roadmap points nor timeline.

Your link does not seem related to SonarQube. There are many products out there called “sonar” (including ourselves previously) and this was a key reason for us to rename our own product form “sonar” to “SonarQube” in the first place: to avoid confusion.

Thank you


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Hi Dinesh,

Thanks for your response! Hope we will get this feature soon which will make sonarqube best tool to use.