How to test c# and projects in sonarcloud?

my os is Ubuntu and i want to know that how can i scan?

Hi there. You have a number of options, depending on what your CI system is.

If you are using Azure DevOps, you can install the SonarCloud extension for Azure DevOps and use it in your build pipeline.

If you are using Jenkins, use our [Jenkins plugin]

If you’re using another CI system, you can call the .NET Core version of the Scanner for MSBuild from script.

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If you are using Azure DevOps I would recommend getting started with Microsoft’s Learning Path Build applications with Azure DevOps it does a nice job of building up to a full build pipeline including SonarCloud implementation.

If you are not using Azure DevOps you might consider jumping straight to module 5 exercise 3 Exercise - Scan the project locally by using SonarCloud. It gives you the commands to run your sonar cloud analysis locally in nice step by step instructions.