How to run Sonar scanner using S3 bucket code

Hi Team,
I want to know whether we can run sonar scanner using S3 bucket code or not. I am using 7.6 Sonarqube version and sonar scanner 4.3 version which I have installed in my AWS Ec2.But I want to run Sonar Scanner in s3 as well. Is it possible to do scanning in s3 code. If yes, how to achieve it. Please help me get a solutions for this?


Welcome to the community!

Your version is past EOL. You should upgrade to either the latest version or the current LTS at your earliest convenience. Your upgrade path is:

7.6 → 7.9.6 → 8.9.7 → 9.3 (last step optional)

You may find the Upgrade Guide and the LTS-to-LTS Upgrade Notes helpful. If you have questions about upgrading, feel free to open a new thread for that here.

Regarding your question, analysis is Java-based, so it should run anywhere Java does.


Hi G Ann,

So my question is in S3 we don’t have java configured or we cannot do it. But in AWS Ec2 we can configure java and java can be present. So is it like that? where ever there is java only there we can run sonar scanner else can’t?Please help me clearing this things.


Yes, you’ll need Java to run analysis.
