How to reproduce all sonarlint issues in vscode

In the server I see there is a error as
Expected selector ".owl-dt-container-control-button .owl-dt-control-button-content" to come before selector ".owl-dt-control-period-button:hover > .owl-dt-control-button-content"

I trying to find the same error with my vscode. I have installed the sonarlint and added all configuration to communicate with my server. but I am not able reproduce this issue in locally with vs code.

so, each time I pushed the code I am getting error there is server. again I need to come back to editor to fix the issue. why i am not getting this issue in vscode? even before i push the code to server?

Hello, thank you for your question.

CSS code is not analyzed by SonarLint for VSCode, or any flavor of SonarLint - the CSS analyzer provided by SonarQube and SonarCloud is currently not compatible with SonarLint.

Ok. But can you suggest me a correct way to prevent the sonar issues even before push the code to server? finding difficulties to fix all issues.

Regarding CSS analysis, I suggest you add a vote to CSS rules in SonarLint