How to make SonarQube work with dotnet build / dotnet test jobs run in a separate container?

Software & Version: SonarQube 7.8

Has anyone attempted have sonar scanner work with dotnet build / dotnet test jobs run in a separate container?

To confirm I am running a dotnet build in a docker container in Jetbrains TeamCity. Currently doing a dot net core 3.0 upgrade a micro service components and our build agents are on 2.2 (we also don’t want to be constrained by the build agent config in future)

As the sonar parameters are “Configuration Parameters” I don’t think there is a way to pass them into your container.

Could anyone please suggest a way forward?

Hi @jpb-dev

I’m not sure I understand what is it you’re trying to achieve. What have you tried so far and what is it failing on your side?

Thank you,