How is the rule defined in xml files executed

Hi all,

Recently, I start to learn write custom rules for Sonarqube. I find two different ways. One is very easy to understand on official website, using IssuableSubscriptionVisitor and other APIs sonar provides.

However, when I read the sourcecode of sonar-findbugs-plugin. There is no class extends class IssuableSubscriptionVisitor, and just define rules in XML files, such as rules-findbugs.xml, with some descriptions. I think each rule in the XML files should be bound to some java class ? I wonder how to execute those rules from XML files.


Hi Jerry,

The FindBugs plugin fires FindBugs itself and then (I believe) parses the resulting report. In other words, those rules are crafted and executed entirely differently. I’d stick with theIssuableSubscriptionVisitor if I were you.
