Help or NFR: Better way to deactivate rules that are active in SonarWay profiles

I don’t either. I only meant that in general, this was the use-case considered for inheritance of Quality Profiles (minimum baseline, whatever it is, + more)

It’s an interesting percecption we’re kind of aware of – but doesn’t reflect exactly what this Quality Profile was born to represent. It’s meant to represent non-controversial rules with few false-positives to get started using our products. From the docs…

The Sonar way Quality Profiles are a good starting-point as you begin analyzing code, and they start out as the default Quality Profiles for each language. That being said, we recommend that you Copy this profile and begin to fine-tune the contents. Why?

  • Default Quality Profiles are not editable, so you won’t be able to customize the Sonar way to your needs
  • The Sonar way becomes a baseline against which you can track your own Quality Profiles
  • The Sonar way may be updated over time to adjust which rules are included and adjust rule severities.

A fair point.

Thanks for the feedback.