Golang parser outdated

Hello, I’m running Sonarqube Developer Edition version

I’ve seen many parsing errors like:

ERROR: Cannot parse 'pkg/something/file.go': Go parser external process returned non-zero exit value: 2

Those errors are caused due to golang generics, so I presume the parser is outdated.
Golang 1.18 was released on March: go1.18 (released 2022-03-15)

Please update the version or tell me someway to update by myself.


We added parsing of Go 1.17 in SonarQube 9.4. You can watch this ticket for progress on Go 1.18: SONARSLANG-552.


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Thanks for letting us know.

Do you have any idea when it will be done? I can see it’s still Unassigned.

It’s being big blocker for us at the moment.


Sorry, I don’t have a timeline.


I am also facing this issue…the SONARSLANG-552 seems to be fixed. Is it available for general public? If yes can you please point me the sonar-scanner version in which it’s available.

Hi @ahmad.imt07,

That would have been included in the next release of SonarQube. Since there have been a couple since the ticket’s fix date, if you’re on the latest version (9.7.1) you should have it.

Aaand… checking release announcements, it was released in SonarQube 9.6.


Hi Ann,

After upgrading to the latest version the issue is not coming anymore. Thanks for help :slight_smile:


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