I’m trying to get information from a sonarqube server version 5.6.7 using the sonar-ws api through java, using maven.
Current important pom info:
<dependency> <groupId>org.sonarsource.sonarqube</groupId> <artifactId>sonar-ws</artifactId> <version>5.6.7</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.sonarsource.sonarqube</groupId> <artifactId>sonar-plugin-api</artifactId> <version>5.6.7</version> </dependency>
I’ve made sonnar server connection, made the wsClient class to access some data, even managed to get issues for a proyect. I just need to get blocking, critics, mayor, minor, info individual count no more details needed. And as far as I know I’ve made it… example
List project = Arrays.asList(name);
List blocker = Arrays.asList(“BLOCKER”);
List info = Arrays.asList(“INFO”);
SearchWsRequest searchBlocker = new SearchWsRequest().setProjectKeys(project).setSeverities(blocker).setFacetMode(“count”);
System.out.println("BLOCKER " + wsClient.issues().search(searchBlocker).getTotal());
But I’d like to access timemachine data to know previous versions/tags information, at least I’d like to get current one version/tag.
I say tag, because the proyect is from CVS and its a tag, but I’ve seen in SonarQube web using chrome developer tools that sometimes that information comes in “version”.
Is there a way to get that information using sonar-ws library? I need a specific version? Updating sonarqube server is not a solution. I do not know if new versions of library would work.