Flutter app throws some error

Hi, I just trying to integrate some flutter app with the azure pipeline using sonar cloud in their i’m using stand alone scanner and the source i’m giving “sonar.sources=.” But it throws some error like this " The only way to get an accurate analysis of C/C++/Objective-C files is by using the SonarSource build-wrapper and setting the property “sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output” or by using Clang Compilation Database and setting the property “sonar.cfamily.compile-commands”. None of these two options were specified."

Hi @teja14312

You can follow this documentation to know more about CFamily languages analysis : https://sonarcloud.io/documentation/advanced-setup/languages/cfamily/


See the build–wrapper as a specific scanner. For specifc languages (such as .NET of CFamily ones), we need to prepare the work for the subsequent analysis. That’s why you need to run it before actually calling the Run Code analysis task.

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