Exodus exceeding reserved disk space

Hey there,
I’m receiving this error for the past weeks and was not able to resolve it anyhow. Maybe you can have a look into it?
As far as I have seen, this occurs on startup and is due to the generated file listed below reaching 8mb of disk space under %appdata%/Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2022.3\tmp\sonarlint\xodus-issue-store. The error blocks any analysis on my written code.

Appreciate your help!
Thanks h3ll0f4b1rd


  • Java: JetBrains s.r.o. 17.0.5
  • OS: Windows 11 amd64
  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.2
  • SonarLint:
jetbrains.exodus.log.BlockNotFoundException: Address is out of log space, underflow, address = 56098816, file = 00000001g00.xd
	at jetbrains.exodus.log.BlockNotFoundException.raise(BlockNotFoundException.java:28)
	at jetbrains.exodus.log.Log.readBytes(Log.kt:781)
	at jetbrains.exodus.log.LogCache.readBytes(LogCache.kt:115)
	at jetbrains.exodus.log.LogCache.readFullPage(LogCache.kt:96)
	at jetbrains.exodus.log.SharedLogCache.getPage(SharedLogCache.kt:109)
	at jetbrains.exodus.log.DataIterator.checkPage(DataIterator.java:95)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeBase.getDataIterator(BTreeBase.java:98)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeMutable.getDataIterator(BTreeMutable.java:92)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeBase.getLoggable(BTreeBase.java:123)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeBase.loadLeaf(BTreeBase.java:156)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BasePageMutable.getKey(BasePageMutable.java:158)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeTraverser.moveRight(BTreeTraverser.java:165)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.BTreeMutatingTraverser.moveRight(BTreeMutatingTraverser.java:20)
	at jetbrains.exodus.tree.btree.AddressIterator.next(AddressIterator.java:64)
	at jetbrains.exodus.gc.ComputeUtilizationFromScratchJob.doJob$lambda-1(ComputeUtilizationFromScratchJob.kt:48)
	at jetbrains.exodus.env.EnvironmentImpl.executeInReadonlyTransaction(EnvironmentImpl.java:313)
	at jetbrains.exodus.gc.ComputeUtilizationFromScratchJob.doJob(ComputeUtilizationFromScratchJob.kt:34)

Hello @h3ll0f4b1rd,

Thanks for reporting this problem. The database SonarLint uses to store server data seems corrupted. I shared the issue with the Xodus maintainers, it appears to be a bug that will be fixed in the next version.

As a workaround, you can try to do the following:

  • Exit IntelliJ
  • Remove the %appdata%/Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2022.3\tmp\sonarlint\xodus-issue-store file if present
  • Remove the %appdata%/Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2022.3\sonarlint
  • Restart IntelliJ
  • Go to Settings > SonarLint > Project Settings > Update Local Storage

Let me know if this helped

Hello Damien,

Removing the %appdata%/Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2022.3\sonarlint folder really did help! I concentrated too much on the temp folder and finding a configuration problem.
Now when starting up IntelliJ one can see multiple xodus files beeing build up and removed automatically.

This will do as workaround but still looking forward for the fix!
Thank you!

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