When I am executing the job on jenkins sometimes I am getting the error:
ERROR: [BUILD BREAKER] API query limit (30) reached. Try increasing sonar.buildbreaker.queryMaxAttempts, sonar.buildbreaker.queryInterval, or both.
and the following message continuously flashes untill the job fails:
Waiting for report processing to complete…
Here are the logs:
2:44:07.251 INFO: Calculating CPD for 0 files
02:44:07.253 INFO: CPD calculation finished
02:44:09.191 INFO: Analysis report generated in 1832ms, dir size=17 MB
02:44:10.727 INFO: Analysis reports compressed in 1536ms, zip size=5 MB
02:44:10.960 INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 232ms
02:44:10.961 INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse http://codescan.ABC.net:8080/dashboard/index/A
02:44:10.961 INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
02:44:10.961 INFO: More about the report processing at http://codescan.ABC.net:8080/api/ce/task?id=AWd40WD4bTnmWSh_i2rz
02:44:10.963 INFO: Executing post-job org.sonar.plugins.buildbreaker.QualityGateBreaker
02:44:11.086 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:44:21.094 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:44:31.099 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:44:41.107 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:44:51.113 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:45:01.119 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:45:11.125 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:45:21.130 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:45:31.136 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:45:41.142 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:45:51.147 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:46:01.152 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:46:11.159 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:46:21.165 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:46:31.170 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:46:41.175 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:46:51.182 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:47:01.187 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:47:11.192 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:47:21.199 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:47:31.206 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:47:41.215 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:47:51.222 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:48:01.229 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:48:11.234 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:48:21.240 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:48:31.245 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:48:41.253 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:48:51.259 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:49:01.265 INFO: Waiting for report processing to complete...
02:49:11.266 ERROR: [BUILD BREAKER] API query limit (30) reached. Try increasing sonar.buildbreaker.queryMaxAttempts, sonar.buildbreaker.queryInterval, or both.
02:49:12.680 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02:49:12.680 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02:49:12.680 INFO: Total time: 5:18.202s
02:49:12.759 INFO: Final Memory: 21M/748M
02:49:12.759 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02:49:12.759 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
02:49:12.759 ERROR: Report processing is taking longer than the configured wait limit.
02:49:12.759 ERROR:
02:49:12.759 ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
For pattern: src/github.com/ABC/A/R_MSI/R/W_installer/bin/Debug/*.msi 1 artifacts were found
Deploying artifact: http://artifact.corp.A.net:8081//artifactory/dt-dev_A/249/W_installer.msi
Deploying build info to: http://artifact.corp.A.net:8081//artifactory/api/build
ERROR: SonarQube scanner exited with non-zero code: 1
[CHECKSTYLE] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Skipped archiving because build is not successful
[Cobertura] Publishing Cobertura coverage report...
[Cobertura] Publishing Cobertura coverage results...
[Cobertura] Cobertura coverage report found.
After Increasing the number of max attempts, the problem still persists.
Can anybody give some valuable inputs to solve this issue.