Hi Team,
There is sonar checks run for Front end and backend code.
For front end code it stopped working it show error as
SonarCloud server can not be reached. Error during sonarscanner execution
Can you please help how to fix the issue for Front end? backcode sonar is working fine.
Thanks in advance!!
Hey there.
You’ll have to provide more details
- the environment your analysis is running in (which CI/CD system? On-prem or in the cloud?)
- possible differences between the two builds
- recent logs of a successful build vs a failed build
We don’t have a crystal ball. The more details you provide, the more likely it is somebody can lend a hand!
Hi Colin,
The environment your analysis is running in (which CI/CD system? On-prem or in the cloud?) - Running in cloud CCV2 pipeline SAP commerce
Error receiving as below screenshot.
Please let me know any changes need to be made in sonar config?
Since SonarCloud is up and running (I checked!), there is likely a firewall issue you’ll need to resolve internally. At least, that’s all I can ascertain from this brief screenshot of logs.