Error in SonarLint for IntelliJ IndexOutOfRangeException


  • Java: JetBrains s.r.o. 11.0.11
  • OS: Windows 10 amd64
  • IDE: JetBrains Rider 2021.2.1
  • SonarLint:
com.jetbrains.rdclient.util.BackendException: Analyzer 'ReSharper.Structured.Logging.Analyzer.ComplexObjectDestructureAnalyzer' threw the following exception: Индекс находился вне границ массива.

--- EXCEPTION #1/2 [IndexOutOfRangeException]
Message = “Индекс находился вне границ массива.”
ExceptionPath = Root.InnerException
ClassName = System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Source = ReSharper.Structured.Logging.Rider
StackTraceString = “
  в ReSharper.Structured.Logging.Analyzer.ComplexObjectDestructureAnalyzer.CheckComplexObjectInTemplate(IInvocationExpression element, IHighlightingConsumer consumer) в C:\projects\resharper-structured-logging\src\ReSharper.Structured.Logging\Analyzer\ComplexObjectDestructureAnalyzer.cs:строка 61
     в ReSharper.Structured.Logging.Analyzer.ComplexObjectDestructureAnalyzer.Run(IInvocationExpression element, ElementProblemAnalyzerData data, IHighlightingConsumer consumer) в C:\projects\resharper-structured-logging\src\ReSharper.Structured.Logging\Analyzer\ComplexObjectDestructureAnalyzer.cs:строка 34

Hello @inyutin-maxim - welcome to the community!

It looks from the stack trace the exception is being thrown by the Resharper process.
The SonarLint analyzers are executed in a different process.

What were you doing when the exception occurred?
Does the exception occur if SonarLint is not installed?

Hi @duncanp I am just worked a full day on the project, and to off workday see this error, I have not the stable scenario to reproduce this problem, If I can track the playback script, I’ll be sure to describe it.
Also, in this case, I will try to prepare a test environment for playing this problem.

Hello @inyutin-maxim,

I will close this thread, feel free to re-open a new one if you face the issue again.
