dotCover code coverage not showing in SonarCloud

Hi @mkoziel2000

The coverage report contains data for only 5 files, 3 main files and 2 test files.
The 3 main files are excluded because they are detected as being generated code:

[01:02:55] :	 [Step 6/8] 08:02:55.223 DEBUG: File '/opt/buildagent/work/d3bec01497236ba2/CICDPipelineCreationApp/Models/PipelineDefinition.cs' was recognized as generated
[01:02:55] :	 [Step 6/8] 08:02:55.223 DEBUG: File '/opt/buildagent/work/d3bec01497236ba2/CICDPipelineCreationApp/Models/PipelineCreationResponse.cs' was recognized as generated
[01:02:55] :	 [Step 6/8] 08:02:55.223 DEBUG: File '/opt/buildagent/work/d3bec01497236ba2/CICDPipelineCreationApp/Controllers/CicdApi.cs' was recognized as generated

Even if analysis on generated code is usually not advised, because it often generates issues that can’t be fixed by the developers, you can disable the automatic exclusion using the solution of this other thread.