Could SonarQube detect source file extension if a file has two or more dots?

Could SonarQube detect source file extension if a file has two or more dots?
For example, a JavaScript file name is abc.m.js. Does SonarQube detect the file is a kind of JavaScript.

Many thanks,

Hey there.

Yes – in your example if .js is configured as a file extension for the Javascript language (naturally!), an .m.js file will also match the pattern.

Best regards,


Hi Colin,
The size minimized files, such as jquery.min.js, are not analyzed in our environment.
What should I check for figuring out this problem?

  • SonarQube version: 7.9 LTS

Many thanks,

Hey Alvin,

Minified files are excluded from analysis by default.

  • third party libraries should not be analyzed by SonarQube (only code that a developer can actually impact)
  • Minified code is typically the output of some transformation of source code, not the source code developers are directly working on
