which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
what are you trying to achieve
what have you tried so far to achieve this
Sonarqube version: 7.7
we are running build in AWSCodeBuild by using docker, and we were able to get sonarscanner run on code. and we see analysis in Sonarqube. now we are trying to achieve “CodeCoverage”, we had used pytest to get coverage.xml file. but if we trying to import that xml in sonarqube, we are getting below errors:
Cannot resolve the file path ‘admin.py’ of the coverage report, the file does not exist in all .
and many other issues.
i am not able to attach xml file since its not supporting. please let us know how we can import coverage xml to sonarqube, and how can we get coverage in sonarqube.
Please provide full logs of analysis in debug mode and the report coverage.xml (you can do it simply copy pasting in the message inside 3 backticks, like code).
According to your logs only 13 python files of the entire project will not have coverage.
This is because for these 13 files our coverage report parser is not able to unambiguously define actual file on the disk, there are several of them which match the relative path in the report.
See if you could produce absolute paths in these report or may be produce several reports for different directories.