Hello, sonar team, as far as I know, sonarqube-intelliJ can select multiple files in the project tree for scanning, does sonarqube-vscode support the same function? I want to confirm whether I have not found this function or it is not supported.
Hello @panchen1314 and welcome to the Sonar community,
Indeed, this functionality is not yet supported in VS Code due to analysis performance constraints, except for Security Hotspot analysis that could run on the whole folder. It is not something that we will consider for the roadmap at the moment but you can leave your feedback in this portal card to get updated as soon as this gets prioritized.
Your feedback is very valuable for us. Please donât hesitate to submit feature ideas on our roadmap.
Best regards,
Thank you for your replyďź At present, our company wants to carry out secondary development based on sonarlint-vscode to realize the function of scanning the project tree. Do you have any good suggestions?
Hello, @panchen1314 !
At present, our company wants to carry out secondary development based on sonarlint-vscode to realize the function of scanning the project tree.
I donât fully follow the idea, sorry Would you like to extend SonarQube for VS Code yourself to add the feature for project scanning? If so, looking at the example of scanning for Security Hotspots might prove useful.
All the best,
OK, thanks for your suggestionďźwish you have a good day!