Analyze all git differences from a branch


I am using SonarLint for IntelliJ. Is there a way to analyze all files in git compare at once, without selecting them one by one?
This would be very helpful when I want to analyze all my changes done in a new feature, with lots of touched files.

If this is not possible, it would be a very nice time-saving feature.

Thank you!

Hi Adrian

If you mean analyze changed files in git (uncommited), there are a few options to do it:

  • In the Analyze Menu, there is an entry ‘Analyze VCS changed files’
  • In the SonarLint tool window, in the ‘Report’ tab, there is a button to analyze VCS changed files
  • There is an action ‘Analyze VCS changed files with Sonarlint’ available (ctrl+shift+A)
  • You can do a SonarLint precheck before committing with IntelliJ